Required Forms
The following forms are required before a student is allowed to perform or travel with the band.
If you need a notary, there is usually one at every meeting. There is also a notary on duty in the school office
each day during normal business hours.
2017-18 Raider Band Handbook
General Student Data Form
Student Travel Release Form (Needs Notary)
Attendance Policy
Media Consent Form
Health Form (Needs Notary)
Band Student Contract
The following forms are to be used as needed.
Absence Request Form Please make sure you review the Attendance Policy
The Santa Rosa County School district has mandated that any individual who would like to volunteer with students will need
to have a background check before they will be allowed.
Individuals should proceed as follows:
Download the "Parent Volunteer Application" HERE.
Complete the information as requested.
Place in the black lockbox located inside the band room.
We thank you in advance for your compliance with this Santa Rosa School District procedure.
Those parents wanting to volunteer should also read over the our Chaperone Handbook.