How does sponsorship work? As you know, we feel very strongly that each member is responsible for his/her fair share of the cost of running the band. We do our very best to provide ample fundraising opportunities for our members in hopes that it is never a burden on them or their family. Members can earn their entire fair share with our fundraisers. We had many students make more than they needed by participating in our carwash alone!
When you have a business or individual, agree to sponsor your student, your fair share, spring trip, or indoor fees come out of that amount first. Meaning, if you had a $1,500 corporate sponsorship, and your student was involved in marching band ($275) + and decided to go on the spring trip (approx. $550) = $825. $1,500 - $825= $675
The $825 would go directly to your students' fair share account. The remainder can be donated to another student, or applied to the general fund. It may not be rolled over to next year, used for non-band fair share/trip cost, or refunded.
Lastly, you may work out any private sponsorship you would like; however, the band only abides by the sponsorship levels detailed in our agreement.
You may download our official sponsorship letter here.