On Thursday, July 27th., we would like to invite our friends, family, and fans out to our Stadium at 6:00 P.M. to "Meet the Band." We want to show you what we've learned over the past two weeks, and in the process, have some fun!
Following the performance, we will have hamburgers and hot dogs, etc. If you would like to stay for our preview cookout, we ask you to RSVP here.
Cost: $5/person for a meal. Band Member is Free
Pay at the door either by Cash/Card or Check (to NHS Band)
You may also prepay online by visiting the Band Store.
Lastly, marching season is quickly approaching, our first performance is on August 17th., here on campus at the kick-off classic against Chiles High School. Your students have a few items that are needed for band. Please make sure to visit our Member Necessities page if you haven't already done so.
We look forward to entertaining you Thursday!
See you there,