Many people think that the band slows down this time of year and to a certain point, it does. There are no football games and we no longer have marching band. We now split into three different groups, concert bands, indoor percussion and winterguard. Something is going on at the band hall until about 9pm 5 days a week! Some of our students a members of multiple groups too.
Because there is so much going on, it is imperative that you keep an eye on our calendar. It is the only scheduling source that you should check for band related events. All of our groups should use it and you, as a parent or student, are not bound by any other calendar, group chat, FB group or soial media. This website, our Charms Calendar along with the Remind Text sent out by myself and our staff are the official information sources of the Navarre Raider Band. We do everything we can do keep it VERY up to date so that it is reliable for you. Please take time to look at it at least once a week. (I suggest Sunday afternoons)
Thanks again for an awesome marching season!