We will discuss in depth, the the following:
- This weeks BBQ Plate Sale.
- Parent involvement with Jazz Fest.
We are in need of parents to help with the following this week at the BBQ Plate sale.
- BBQ Cooks for Thursday overnight and all day Friday and Saturday.- It doesn't matter if you've never cooked before, we will teach you! Plus, it's fun!
- SIde Prep - We are hoping to sell 1,000 plates! That means 1,000 containers of potato salad and 1,000 containers of baked beans.
- Customer Service - We need help on Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. to help prepare and pass out the plates.
If you are going to be involved in either event, please come to the meeting. I will do my best to keep it under one hour!
Thanks in advance,